Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs Pest Control Service

Bed bugs are a significant problem to deal with since they are fast spreading and difficult to get rid of. VPC understands the importance of safety and comfort and is here to assist you with the best bed bug pest control service.

Apart from distress and discomfort, bed bugs can cause significant harm to the health of an individual. The moment you notice the presence of a bed bug in your clothes, bed sheets, or mattresses, it is best to consult a pest control service provider immediately.If you are not sure how to identify the bugs, you should look out for reddish, rusty spots on mattresses.

Our go to approach to rid your residential and commercial spaces of the bed bugs is detecting its presence and strategically injecting a mid odor spray to get rid of the bugs. This process is carried out multiple times depending on the severity of the infestation.

VPC sends over the best trained individuals to carry out the disinfection process so that you can enjoy a stress free and peaceful stay in your homes and offices.

Inspection and Identification

Identification of the Type of Bed Bugs:

  • Our technician identifies Bed Bugs they are small, reddish-brown insects, about the size of an apple seed.
  • Look for signs such as small bloodstains on sheets, dark spots of bed bug excrement, and shed skins droppings, eggs cases, shed skins, and live or dead bed bugs.

Treatments we provide

Insecticide Sprays:

  • We use Household insecticide sprays around mattresses ,beds ,wardrobes, under bed, under study table, sofas, and in cracks and crevices.
  • We can eradicate bed bugs by multiple spray treatments.


  • 25+ years of experience in BED BUG CONTROL TREATMENT.
  • Trained and experienced technician.
  • CIB approved chemicals
  • have access to stronger insecticides and specialized equipment.
  • Techniques to manage pests with minimal environmental impact.
  • Uses Odorless chemicals.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

Regular Inspections – We offers follow-up inspection in Annual Maintenance Contract in residential as well as commercial pest control