Experiencing a pest infestation is probably one of the most stressful things in life. Although there are treatments and measures that can be taken to bring things back to normal, why wait till it gets bad. Here are some pest infestation prevention tips to make sure you are equipped with the right methods to avoid that situation:
1. Clean house, no mouse:
Not just mice, but any other kind of pest will steer clear of your place if they do not get a dirty and messy corner in your place to build their nest. Regular dusting and cleaning with occasional deep cleaning help to make sure that nooks and corners of your house are not infested with pests.
2. Garbage clearance:
Regularly disposing garbage in its assigned place and keeping outdoor bins away from the house wards off hungry and disease spreading mice and cockroaches. Keep the bin closed and clean the bin after disposing of the garbage every time so that it doesn’t attract pests like flies and mosquitoes.
3. Clean out standing water:
Standing water such as in birdbaths and plant pots serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Since these are locations closer to or in your own home, it may cause a daily upsurge of mosquitoes potentially leading to diseases.
4. Declutter:
Decluttering your home is important for mental wellbeing as well as warding off pests that are attracted to messy, cluttered and dark spaces. Make sure to remember less frequently visited areas such as the basement or the attic.
5. Seal the entry points:
Unlike humans, these pests do not always enter through the common gateway. They find cracks, crevices and gaps in walls, windows and doors to enter at any time as they please.
6. Keep an eye on vulnerable spots:
If you have had an episode of pest infestation before, it is possible they might try again. So, it is important to keep an eye on possible areas that are vulnerable to pests to make sure you do not have to go through it again.
7. Food storage:
Apart from cleaning and decluttering, storing your food in the right manner is also an important part of warding off cockroaches. Food left out at night can attract cockroaches that can spread diseases and also turn into an infestation if not attended to immediately.
8. Maintaining the garden and yard:
Often forgotten, these parts of the house need to be maintained regularly to avoid pest infestation. Since these are filled with soil and trees, it is difficult to spot any nests or colonies but that can cause delay in identification and thus grow into a nuisance.
9. Annual pest control:
Even if you don’t have an infestation, it is advised to get a regular, preferably an annual house check-up by a professional to ensure there isn’t a potential breeding infestation.
10. Let in light:
Pests are usually attracted to and build their nests in dark and damp places. That is why it is important to let in natural sunlight and air to fill up your home with positive and happy energy. Essentially, it is also good for the mind and the body to be exposed to some amount of natural light and air everyday.